A Change of Perspective for The International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution
After more than 5 years of repurposing their annual meeting registration site in order to cut costs, longtime non-profit client International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution (CPR) asked CS Designworks for a budget-friendly responsive redesign. To support CPR’s annual theme, Dispute Resolution in an Increasingly Fractured World, CSD used a code snippet to incorporate a customized interactive kaleidoscope in the hero area. A new streamlined registration process was added, as well as an interactive agenda for the 3-day meeting. Other features include a photo gallery, a testimonial section, and an add-to-calendar widget. With the new website, the home page presents site visitors with all vital information upfront and registrants have easier access to necessary information on their phones and tablets. After many years of repurposing the same website, CPR was thrilled with the site’s updated look and functionality. Sometimes change is good!
Make things as simple as possible... ....but not simpler.