Let's Talk "Type"
Posted on September 15, 2014
By Nick Chiechi, President, CS Designworks
Just like a leading role an actor plays in a motion picture, type is the central character in design. Most individuals do not give much thought to fonts or type. Type is everywhere so it is understandable that people don’t think too much about it, but the truth of the matter is that fonts have more of an impact than one would think. As your brain processes the things around you, you are only aware of a small fraction of the activity that is going on in your mind at any given time. Font choice is a very important decision for business owners because of its subconscious impact on the readers. Fonts convey emotion, have personalities, and influence the reader in many ways that they don’t even realize. There are endless aspects about your font to consider, from the legibility to the feeling it evokes in the reader.
People respond differently to different fonts and it is important to choose the correct font for any project. For example, if you wish to convey a sophisticated and elegant feeling to the reader, choosing a script font would be more successful than a sans serif one. More ornate fonts give a sense of complexity. In many cases, though not all, serif fonts are easier and faster to read; fonts without serifs give off a modern, clean look and tend to be better for web designs. Legibility is very important when choosing a font; simple fonts that can be read quickly are ideal for long bodies of texts while decorative, more eye-catching fonts should be saved for headlines or titles. Fonts like Times New Roman or Garamond, which are more traditional fonts, leave people with a sense of reliability whereas if you choose comic sans as your font, people will be less likely to trust or take you seriously.
People respond differently to different fonts and it is important to choose the correct font for any project.
A lot goes into font choice and the type you choose to use for your company not only showcases your business’s objectives but also your characteristics. See for yourself and take our quiz, “What ‘Type’ Are You?” to see which font best fits your own personality.
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