Old Marketing vs. New Marketing
Posted on July 25, 2014
By Nick Chiechi, President, CS Designworks

The world of marketing communications has completely evolved thanks to the digital revolution. The bottom line is that the consumer is totally empowered and a paradigm shift has occurred. These two diagrams say it all and depict what has transformed in a concise way. They also form the foundation for all of the communications opportunities that are available.
Diagram one: The Diagram above shows that the marketer essentially had all the power and was calling the communications shots by force-feeding the brand message to the consumer or end user. The power was in the marketers hands.
Diagram two: This shows a complete 180 in the marketing life cycle. Notice how the shift has gone from the marketer to the consumer. In this example, the consumer is empowered like never before.
Conclusion: Quality, honesty and relevant information are paramount in today’s marketing world. The consumer is in control and anything that you can give the consumer to help them make a decision is what will work. The method for delivering a company’s message is vast and there are many channels to consider. With the consumer having so much control, it’s imperative that the marketer uses the correct medium for the target audience to ensure the viewer sees the message.
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